Name: Propeller IPA
Brewery: Propeller Brewery
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.5%
Origin: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cost: $13.55 per 6 pack
Appearance 4/5
Pours clear bright amber/gold colour. Head is very pale tan not quite white, very bubbly.
Aroma 2/5
Smells very weakly of grass and very faintly herbal. The aroma is underwhelming when it looks and tastes so good.
Palate 2/5
Carbonation is average for an IPA. Propeller has a slightly oily feeling and the taste lingers a bit.
Flavor 4/5
Propeller is a true to form India Pale Ale. It’s a little hoppy, a little bitter, a little grassy. Nothing bold or overwhelming, but not completely boring.
- Propeller IPA bottle cap
- Gold colour and tan head
Overall 12/20
Propeller IPA falls into the ranks of an average IPA. Easy drinking and representative of the style and does not bring anything special to the table.