In the never ending quest to make the VZ-58 easier to operate and more ergonomic, I’ve replaced the factory magazine release with an aftermarket option. Specifically I’ve used the VZ-58/CZ-858 Extended Magazine Release from Dlask Arms Corp. of Delta British Columbia.
The VZ-58/CZ-858 Extended Magazine Release from Dlask Arms retails on their website for $25 plus shipping and taxes. The Extended Magazine Release is CNC machined from 7075 T6 aluminum and hard anodized black. First off, it comes in a polybag with no labels, identifying information, or installation instructions. It looks and feels like a robust piece of machine work. The way it comes from Dlask is like other products I’ve ordered from them and always makes me wonder about the quality of the parts, but maybe its just a lack of attention to detail on the presentation side and not the technical side.
The Extended Magazine release is just about 2 3/4 inches long and wider then the factory magazine release. The anodized finish is matte and defect free. I don’t see any machining or tool marks. I do like the tactile quality of the ridges at the bottom of the Extended Magazine Release. The lack of directions on the website, or shipped with the Extended Magazine Release is a bit of a cause for concern, as I’m not very familiar with the VZ-58. While installation is not intuitive, it didn’t turn out to be very difficult.
To replace the factory magazine release with an Extend Magazine release, only a few tools are needed.
- 1/16th punch
- 1/8th punch
- brass/nylon hammer
- Remove the magazine, and ensure the rifle is unloaded
- Field strip the VZ-58 as normal
- Remove the split pin. This is a tricky piece. I used a small punch to push the lip of the pin into the hole, and then push the pin out. The pin pushes from the inside of the receiver out the bottom of the receiver.
- split pin
- split pin inside receiver, inside of red circle
- split pin between the bolt stop button and factory magazine release, circled in red
- Use a punch and remove the the double groove pin that holds the bolt hold open and magazine release. Use care to release the bolt hold open, and magazine release as both are under spring pressure
- Assemble the components back into the receiver in the opposite order. Starting with the Extended Magazine Release, make sure the spring is in the receiver and the notch in the magazine release and push the double groved pin in place to retain the magazine release
- Install the bolt hold open and hold it down while drifting the double groved pin through the receiver
- Reassemble the rest of the rile as you would normally after field stripping
- Test the functionality of the fire control group as normal
- Test the function of the Extended Magazine release using an empty magazine. Insert the empty magazine, pull the bolt to the rear, the bolt hold open should function normally. Use the Extended Magazine Release to remove the magazine.
- Repeat step 9, but do not open the bolt. Insert an empty magazine, and then remove it
Everything should operate normally, with no resistance inserting or removing a magazine. The bolt hold open should operate as normal.
- Much easier to release magazine
- Does not include installation instructions
Overall the Dlask Arms Corp VZ-58/CZ-858 Extended Magazine Release is a worthwhile upgrade for the VZ-58 rifle. $25 CAD for a well machined and finished part is not unreasonable. Shipping can, of course, be brutal as with any thing shipping in Canada. The Extended Magazine Release is available on Dlask’s we bsite at The lack of installation instructions can be daunting, but the installation process is pretty simple once you figure out how to remove the split pin. If you have fat thumbs like I do and want to operate your VZ-58 magazine release more easily, the Extended Magazine Release should be considered a required upgrade.
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